Angular material button module matbuttonmodule mat button mat raised button mat icon button mat fab mat mini fab enhances the user experience of normal buttons button and anchor a tags by following material design principles.
Mat icon button list.
Material is an adaptable system of guidelines components and tools that support the best practices of user interface design.
Mat icon selector is used to display material icons in angular we have around 900 angular material icons to show the below mat icon list icons we need to load material icons css provided by google mat icon is part of angular material module called maticonmodule we can use font ligature as an icon by putting the ligature text in mat icon component.
Buttons are placed anywhere in webpage and also places.
In this chapter we will showcase the configuration required to draw a button control using angular material.
When you want to perform an action in webpage use button and use an anchor tag to navigate to other pages.
Follow the following steps to update the angular application we created in angular 6 project setup chapter.